advertising Archives - DCoded Space Strategy at it's core Thu, 20 Apr 2023 16:40:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 advertising Archives - DCoded Space 32 32 214571006 “AI Marketing with Roberto Orci: The Human Touch in Business Growth” Thu, 20 Apr 2023 16:40:04 +0000 Welcome to another edition of Dcoded Space’s blog series exploring the use of AI-powered tools in advertising. Because let’s be honest, with the rapid growth of AI tools available in the market, It feels like trying to keep up with a herd of wild horses – no matter how hard you try, they will always […]

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Welcome to another edition of Dcoded Space’s blog series exploring the use of AI-powered tools in advertising. Because let’s be honest, with the rapid growth of AI tools available in the market, It feels like trying to keep up with a herd of wild horses – no matter how hard you try, they will always run faster than you.

Today, I bring you an insightful conversation with Business Growth Specialist and Multicultural Marketing Guru Roberto Orci. We discussed his experiences and perspectives on leveraging AI tools for business growth and their place in the Multicultural marketing space.

In this interview, he sheds light on the practicality and potential drawbacks of AI-powered tools like Hemingway, Midjourney, and our beloved ChatGPT in the marketing space. In addition, he highlights the importance of human expertise in strategizing and developing creative campaigns, especially when brands seek to grow their consumer base and connect with diverse audiences, particularly the Hispanic community.

I hope you enjoy this insightful conversation, and please share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

Dcoded Space: “AI Marketing with Roberto Orci: The Human Touch in Business Growth”

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“Pedro Pascal: From up-and-coming Hispanic Actor to Internet Zaddy!” Wed, 05 Apr 2023 19:10:48 +0000 Pedro Pascal’s success is a testament to the power of diversity in the advertising landscape. If you're looking for a brand ambassador, lean into your Multicultural Specialists and beyond the E-Score and social media following.

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Let’s start with a quick mental exercise. Knowing the success of Pedro Pascal today. How much would you have liked for him to be part of your branding efforts when he was the star of Narcos? What about when he played Oberyn in Game of Thrones?

Just imagine it: the Red Viper of Dorne as your brand ambassador, leaving a trail of smitten fans in his wake…

Suppose you’ve managed to avoid the tidal wave of Pedro Pascal’s charm, talent, and downright likability. In that case, you may be living under a rock. However, the advertising landscape still needs positive and diverse representation in a country practically brimming with diversity. If you’re still scratching your head as to why, it’s time to wake up and smell the cafecito. 

I’m not saying that every brand should have Pedro Pascal as its ambassador (although I wouldn’t complain if that happened.) The real message here is that up-and-coming Hispanic celebrities are often overlooked because they don’t meet E-Score standards, have millions of followers on social media, or simply because not enough people at the company have heard of them. And yes, I am speaking from experience, as I have always been a Pedro stan!

Now, you may be thinking, “But how do I find my own Pedro Pascal?” And that’s a fair question. The answer is simple: Lean into your Multicultural Specialist to bring you options whose talent and charisma transcend cultural boundaries. Finding talent with the potential to grow your brand’s appeal and footprint is a skill that takes practice, but hey, no one said marketing was easy.

Have any thoughts, comments, or questions? Leave them below or send me a message. I’m always happy to chat!

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“Decoding the Magic of ChatGPT: 5 Fun and Creative Ways to Get Started” Tue, 21 Mar 2023 20:43:56 +0000 Let me guess. Your inbox has probably been inundated with countless posts and articles about ChatGPT, but you have never bothered to try it, right? Well, congrats on being part of the “seen it but haven’t used it” club. So why not step out of the “seen it all” crowd and give it a shot? […]

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Let me guess. Your inbox has probably been inundated with countless posts and articles about ChatGPT, but you have never bothered to try it, right? Well, congrats on being part of the “seen it but haven’t used it” club. So why not step out of the “seen it all” crowd and give it a shot? Who knows, you might even like it and clear some of the doubts you had about it.

First things first, It’s super easy to use! You don’t have to be a tech whiz to get started. But here’s the trick: the quality of the text it spits out depends on how good your prompts are. As a researcher and Consumer Insights Specialist, I see it just like how one would conduct a conversation with another person. The quality of questions asked or topics discussed (prompts) will heavily influence the output. The more specific and detailed you are with your prompts, the better the text it generates will be. 

For this article, I thought about giving you some ideas on how to get started, including prompts, so don’t be shy. Click on the link, sign up, get creative with those prompts, and see what this baby can do!

We’ll start with something easy and then move on to more complex (but fun) tasks.

  1. Play Games: Ask ChatGPT to play some fun games with you, such as trivia, word games, or even a game of “Would You Rather?” This can be a great way to unwind while still staying engaged with your creative side. I Played 21 Questions, and here is how it went.

2. Have a Conversation: Engage ChatGPT in a conversation on a topic you’re interested in. Ask for jokes and stories, or even chat about the latest trends. The possibilities are endless!

I wanted to know the latest on what consumers look for in automobiles, and this was the response.

3. Create social media posts: Social media is all about creating engaging content that resonates with your audience. ChatGPT can help you come up with new ideas for posts, as well as generate clever captions and hashtags. I took advantage of this and asked to create a post for this article for Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram. Check them out!

4. Brainstorm new ad campaign ideas: You can input a few keywords related to your brand or product and let the model generate ad campaign ideas for you. For the purpose of this example, I created a fake product: IdeaPop. An eight oz. fizzy drink that can enhance your creativity with only one can. Here are the results

5. [Hack] Ask what prompts are needed for your task: Yes, it’s that simple. If you don’t know where to start or what prompts to use, simply ask. I wanted to know what prompts to use to get a product description, and here is the result.

As a professional working in marketing and advertising, you know the importance of staying ahead of the curve when it comes to new technologies and techniques. My personal belief is that AI will not replace the work we do, but it can certainly speed up the process and enhance it! So stop dreading it, start the road to dominating it, and let me know if you would like more tips that can get you started to decode, play and use AI technologies. 

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