“Pedro Pascal: From up-and-coming Hispanic Actor to Internet Zaddy!”

Let’s start with a quick mental exercise. Knowing the success of Pedro Pascal today. How much would you have liked for him to be part of your branding efforts when he was the star of Narcos? What about when he played Oberyn in Game of Thrones?

Just imagine it: the Red Viper of Dorne as your brand ambassador, leaving a trail of smitten fans in his wake…

Suppose you’ve managed to avoid the tidal wave of Pedro Pascal’s charm, talent, and downright likability. In that case, you may be living under a rock. However, the advertising landscape still needs positive and diverse representation in a country practically brimming with diversity. If you’re still scratching your head as to why, it’s time to wake up and smell the cafecito. 

I’m not saying that every brand should have Pedro Pascal as its ambassador (although I wouldn’t complain if that happened.) The real message here is that up-and-coming Hispanic celebrities are often overlooked because they don’t meet E-Score standards, have millions of followers on social media, or simply because not enough people at the company have heard of them. And yes, I am speaking from experience, as I have always been a Pedro stan!

Now, you may be thinking, “But how do I find my own Pedro Pascal?” And that’s a fair question. The answer is simple: Lean into your Multicultural Specialist to bring you options whose talent and charisma transcend cultural boundaries. Finding talent with the potential to grow your brand’s appeal and footprint is a skill that takes practice, but hey, no one said marketing was easy.

Have any thoughts, comments, or questions? Leave them below or send me a message. I’m always happy to chat!

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